Our Venus Legacy procedure is a comfortable and relaxing procedure that:
Restores the firmness of your skin.
Does not require needles or special substances.
Smoothes out wrinkles, and skin sagging in various areas is reduced. The procedure is performed by licensed professionals. The treatment process does not cause any burning, pain, or any other discomfort.
Using the patented (MP)² technology, Venus Legacy generates multipolar radio frequency and pulsed magnetic fields, creating a soothing thermal matrix around the skin. The increase in temperature and vacuum leads to several processes:
Stimulation of FGF-2 hormone activity. This leads to the release of fatty acids from fat cells, reducing tissue volume and contouring the body.
Acceleration of blood circulation. The complexion of the face and body becomes more even, and redness is reduced.
Increased metabolic rate. This allows beneficial substances to enter cells more quickly, and toxins are efficiently removed from the body.
The formation of new cells – fibroblasts. These cells produce collagen, restoring skin elasticity and making wrinkles less noticeable.
Venus Legacy™ procedures are non-invasive and painless, with many patients comparing them to hot stone massages! After as few as three sessions, you can expect:
Reduced facial oval and second chin.
Decreased facial puffiness and under-eye bags.
Smoothing of deep expression and age-related wrinkles.
Tighter and more elastic skin.
Diminished cellulite, fat traps, and stretch marks.
Each procedure typically takes around 30-40 minutes, depending on the treatment area. Results can be observed progressively throughout the procedure series, with a minimum of 6 sessions for the face, 8 for the neck, and 10 for the body.
The entire procedure lasts from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the size of the treated area.