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Acupuncture is an ancient practice of traditional Chinese medicine to improve the flow of chi, translated as vital energy, throughout the body. The practice includes penetration of the skin with solid, thin needles to stimulate sensory nerves that are activated through electrical stimulation or specific and gentle movements to relieve any pain and treat other conditions such as arthritis, headaches and menstrual cramps. Practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine believe the disruption of energy flow in the body can cause disease; however, acupuncture can help this. Chinese doctors in traditional medicine believe that the body has over 2,000 acupuncture points that are connected through pathways which create and rectify the energy flow of chi to improve health.
Most patients will visit an acupuncturist for common issues such as back pain or migraines however, the treatment is beneficial for other issues such as menstrual cramps, fertility problems, nausea from chemotherapy and even arthritis. During your free consultation, we will evaluate your concerns, assess your body and discuss any costs as well as the number of treatments we recommend for maximum results.
The procedure should only be carried out by a qualified and licensed medical practitioner who has experience in using acupuncture. This is because the technique involves the use of hair-thin steel needles that are inserted into specific points, or acupoints, of the body to release natural chemicals to fight symptoms, relaxation and the release of energy or chi. Although the treatment is completely safe, if the needles are inserted incorrectly, you could feel more pain than relaxation without the added benefits.
During your initial consultation, one of our professionals will discuss your needs or conditions to examine your body and assess the areas that will react to the acupuncture treatment. When it is time for your treatment, our acupuncturist will insert sterile needles into the acupoints of your body at various depths for up to 60 minutes, depending on the procedure.
After your treatment, you may feel very relaxed as acupuncture has a calming effect. We recommend that you have someone take you to and from your appointment or take at least 10 minutes to rest before you drive. Following each of your sessions, we strongly advise that you take at least 2 days of downtime for your body to fully embrace the effects of the treatments.
One of the main reasons patients use the ancient practice of acupuncture is due to the reduction of pain and improvement of overall health it can provide. There are many benefits to acupuncture that can help you to relieve yourself of painful symptoms and provide progression of both your mental and bodily health. Studies have shown that acupuncture alone is an effective treatment for the following:
Joint and muscle aches
Eye health
Menstrual cramps
Post-surgery dental pain
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Nausea from chemotherapy
Weight loss
Acupuncture carries low risk side effects and may be combined with other treatments to help with targeting several health concerns at once. To reap the full benefits of acupuncture, we recommend that you have a minimum of 5 treatment sessions.
The cost of an acupuncture treatment is determined by the location of the clinic, your health concerns and which area of the body will be treated. Typically, the fees for your first session of acupuncture which includes a medical examination and treatment will cost a little more than additional visits. Your acupuncturist will go through the costs during an initial consultation where they will set up a tailored plan for treatments.
For issues such as back and muscle pain, smoking or general treatment, you can expect a cost of anywhere between $70 to $1,200 per session but up to $350 per session for treatments to aid fertility and cosmetic acupuncture. Clinics may also offer follow up treatments from as low as $50 per session and even offer discounts and packages for multiple treatments to help you with saving costs.
Acupuncture is pretty much painless and offers more than relaxation. The treatment has been carried out for thousands of years and was designed to balance the body’s system to provide the brain and body with the critical nutrients it needs to properly heal. Studies have demonstrated that acupuncture significantly reduces muscle or brain pain, improves neurological issues and encourages nerve regeneration.
Many doctors recommend acupuncture to patients who experience issues from chronic diseases as it is believed to stimulate the central nervous system and release chemicals into the body to stimulate the body’s natural abilities. In short, there is no price on your health and acupuncture is definitely worth the money. The treatment has been long recognized as effective and will undoubtedly improve your life in more than one way.
If you are considering acupuncture or would like to know more about your options with an acupuncture treatment, get in touch with us today to book your free consultation!
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18140 Collins Ave, Sunny Isles Beach, FL, 33160, United States