Intravenous Vitamin C: Benefits, Effectiveness, Where to Get It

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Intravenous Vitamin C

At Solea Medical Spa & Beauty Lounge, we administer intravenous injections of vitamin C. This is an innovative way to maintain beauty and skin health, as well as strong immunity. High doses of ascorbic acid are effective in treating skin inflammation, acne, wrinkles, rosacea, and couperose.
Vitamin therapy helps combat physical and psychological stress and reduces allergy symptoms. It also has a positive effect on the health of the heart, blood vessels, and respiratory system.

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    What is Intravenous Vitamin Therapy?

    Vitamin therapy is a procedure of intravenous drip administration of a solution with vitamin C. It goes directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the stomach and intestines. Compared to oral administration, intravenous injections ensure the delivery of higher doses of vitamin C to the body.

    Ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate is dissolved in an infusion solution: 0.9% sodium chloride solution, 5% glucose solutions, or distilled water. The dosage of the drug and the volume of the solution are selected by a specialist on an individual basis.

    Cases where intravenous therapy is administered include:

    1. Acute vitamin C deficiency.
    2. Conditions and diseases that require increased doses of ascorbic acid.
    3. Contraindications to orally taking supplements due to gastrointestinal tract diseases.
    4. Vitamin C is not absorbed through the intestine.

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    Vitamin C: Health Benefits

    1Immune System Support

    Vitamin C stimulates the production of leukocytes. White blood cells destroy and remove foreign proteins and toxins from the body and produce antibodies. Vitamin C also enhances the function of immune cells, increasing resistance to infections and other diseases.

    2Antioxidant Protection

    Vitamin C neutralizes free radicals, which trigger oxidative processes and damage healthy cells. This potentially reduces the risk of chronic diseases and cancer.

    3Skin Regeneration

    Ascorbic acid stimulates collagen production. This protein improves skin health and promotes wound healing. Consuming vitamin C supplements helps in the prevention and treatment of acne, rosacea, couperose, and in combating both large and fine wrinkles. Burns heal faster and more effectively.

    4Cardiovascular Health

    Vitamin C positively affects blood coagulability, helps lower blood pressure, and strengthens the walls of arteries and capillaries. Regular consumption of ascorbic acid lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

    5Respiratory System Strengthening

    Vitamin C aids in treating bronchitis, pneumonia, and reduces the duration and severity of respiratory infections and asthma attacks.

    6Eye Protection

    Regular intake of vitamin C reduces the risk of age-related eye diseases and vision loss. It helps prevent the development of cataracts and retinal diseases.

    7Stress Reduction

    Due to its antioxidant properties, vitamin C reduces cortisol levels, a hormone produced due to stress. High cortisol levels can cause anxiety, sleep problems, negatively affect skin and muscle condition, lead to increased blood glucose levels and weight gain.

    8Anemia Prevention

    Vitamin C increases the efficiency of non-heme iron absorption, which is obtained from plant sources. Combined intake of these substances prevents iron-deficiency anemia in at-risk groups.

    Where Can I Receive Intravenous Vitamin C Treatment?

    Intravenous injections of ascorbic acid are performed in specialized centers authorized to conduct vitamin therapy. Certified cosmetologists carry out the procedure. Initially, the specialist discusses the patient’s concerns and rules out any contraindications. The infusion is carried out under continuous supervision from start to finish.

    Benefits Of Vitamin C Therapy In Solea Medical Spa & Beauty Lounge

    We conduct consultations and thorough diagnostics. This helps us identify the needs of the client and their body, assess risks, and rule out contraindications to vitamin therapy.
    We use an integrative approach for the comprehensive health improvement of the body. We select the optimal composition of IV drips and schedule for vitamin therapy in combination with other procedures offered by our center.
    Thanks to vitamin C injections, we address various client problems. We support immunity, good well-being, and skin health, and fight against age-related changes and stress.

    What Is Vitamin C IV Therapy Used For?

    Ascorbic acid supplements replenish the body’s level of the substance when it is inadequately obtained from food. Intravenous injections aid in the treatment of avitaminosis, hypovitaminosis of vitamin C, and other diseases and conditions that arise from its deficiency or lead to a deficit.

    1Vitamin C Deficiency

    A course of intravenous administration of high doses of vitamin C will be effective if you’re experiencing deficiency or scurvy. A lack of ascorbic acid manifests as increased fatigue, body aches, fragility of blood vessels, bruising, and bleeding gums.
    Vitamin C deficiency often occurs in cases of:
    – poor nutrition;
    – limited intake of fruits and vegetables;
    – active/passive smoking;
    – gastrointestinal diseases (ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s – disease, intestinal malabsorption, and others);
    – certain types of cancer.

    2Serious Injuries

    Vitamin C is crucial in the treatment of thermal burns, including severe ones. Vitamin C therapy enhances the quality of healing and decreases the amount of time it takes, hence aiding patients in recovering faster.

    Ascorbic acid reduces oxidative stress and normalizes fibroblast function. These cells produce collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, components necessary for normal skin recovery. Vitamin C improves microcirculation, reduces the fluid requirement in burn patients, strengthens immunity, and decreases the risk of infection by infectious agents.


    With adequate intake of vitamin C, the ability of leukocytes to absorb pathogenic microorganisms is enhanced. The level of neutrophils in the blood increases. These cells are responsible for the bactericidal indicators of the blood. Intravenous vitamin therapy reduces the risk of respiratory infections and eases their progression. It is prescribed for frequent colds and chronic pathologies of ENT organs.


    The effect of ascorbic acid on cancer cells is still actively being studied. Some research confirms that large intravenous doses of vitamin C can damage cancer cells while leaving healthy cells unharmed. At high concentrations, ascorbic acid leads to the formation of free radicals. These radicals synthesize toxic hydrogen peroxide. Healthy cells produce an enzyme that breaks down hydrogen peroxide. Malignant cells lack this enzyme, so they decompose under the action of the peroxide.


    Ascorbic acid affects the metabolism of fatty acids and blood cholesterol levels. Even after a single intravenous administration, its content decreases. Course treatment and continued consumption of sufficient vitamin C prevent the formation of new atherosclerotic plaques and reduce the risk of developing ischemic heart disease.

    6Allergic Reactions

    Vitamin C mitigates respiratory and skin symptoms of seasonal allergies. Intravenous administration has been noted to reduce rash, runny nose, tearing, and episodes of shortness of breath.

    Contraindications to Vitamin C Therapy

    1. Hypervitaminosis of vitamin C. This is detected before therapy through a blood test.
    2. Individual intolerance to ascorbic acid supplements. Allergy diagnostics for vitamin C is carried out by a blood test to determine immunoglobulin E.
    3. Hemochromatosis. A hereditary disease in which the body absorbs and accumulates more iron than needed.
    4. Renal dysfunction. Including nephrolithiasis, or the presence of risk factors for urinary system pathologies.
      Hemochromatosis. A hereditary disease in which the body absorbs and accumulates more iron than needed.
    5. Deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD). A genetic defect where high doses of vitamin C cause the destruction of red blood cells.

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    • How Can I Prepare for Vitamin Therapy?

      Before receiving vitamin C injections, it is essential to consult with a doctor and obtain their recommendations. It’s important to rule out kidney diseases, certain genetic disorders, and allergy to ascorbic acid. The doctor collects medical history, orders a blood test, and some other tests to confirm the body’s increased need for the vitamin and to exclude any risks.

    • How Does the Vitamin Therapy Procedure Work?

      The client is positioned in a chair or on a couch. The medical staff checks their well-being on the day of the procedure.The skin in the injection area is disinfected. A catheter is inserted into a vein. Through it, an infusion system is connected. The rate of solution administration is regulated.The procedure lasts 40-60 minutes. The patient’s condition is monitored throughout the session. After the infusion is complete, the catheter is removed, the skin is disinfected, and a plaster is applied

    • What Are the Risks of IV Vitamin C Therapy?

      Before planning vitamin therapy, consult a doctor. They will help rule out contraindications and potential side effects.Risks associated with intravenous injections of vitamin C include: Oxalate nephropathy in the case of renal dysfunction.Excessive accumulation of iron in the body in cases of hemochromatosis.Destruction of red blood cells in individuals with a deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD).

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